About the Author: It's just Jim 🐧 On this site, you'll find my posts in various forms: serious, playful, media-based, audios, and more! The underlying theme is identifying my slices of life to paint the present with my past on the site itself.

[Process Post 7] Feedback Review

With a clear feedback from our TA in the course painstakingly written in detail, I will make the feedback worth its while by implementing them! As there isn’t a specific process post prompt for this week, this will be my focus in this post.

Here is the summary of the main points that I gathered to make changes to on the website. Note, some of these changes will take time to reflect live on the site.


I was able to clarify what would be best to include in terms of sourcing (beyond hyperlinking in-text) of my posts. I will be going through my posts and site to include list of references at some point this week after parts of my midterm season storm passes. At this point in time, I will start including course references list at the end. This is an essential part of the process to consider that goes hand in hand with this week’s topic about disinformation and misinformation online. One of the readings that discusses these particular problems on the internet can be found here.


There was a double linking situation in my Peer Review 1. I should’ve been more clear as it was more intentional to show the URL of the site as well. I find URL design are super important. Not too simple or confusing to remember and readable in lowercase. Kobesam and Knittingafterhours were both excellent examples of URLs that I had no qualms with.

URL Process Review

I realized I did not specifically talk about my URL design and how long it took for me to settle with “sliceofjim”. In this segment of the post, I will explain what happened during the creation of my site.

Knowing that my site will be about my life and stories to tell, I enjoy watching anime with the genre “Slice of Life.” Given this would be the best category for my site, I was debating with a few options for my URL choice. To spare the wordy explanations, here is the list of possible URLs this site could have had. Yeah, not too proud with some of them.

  • sliceoflife (taken and too generic)
  • sliceoflifewithjim
  • sliceoflifeofjim
  • jimssliceoflife
  • jimsadventures
  • jimslife
  • lifeofjim
  • soljim (sol is not explanatory of the genre, cannot assume everyone knows slice of life)
  • jimslice
  • sliceofjim

Let’s move on.

About Page

It was suggested to have a landing page for the About page that would be a good idea. I also recently noticed that the menu was clickable and would bring a user to a blank page. I haven’t came around to figure out a solution for this, but now I have something to work with in the coming weeks!

Summarizing thoughts:

While there are other aspects to address, I will conclude this post here. For example, things I have done well, these I will continue to keep doing). Thank you to Lauren and my two Peer Review classmates who took the time to go over my site. I will include Peer Review changes/improvements in my future Process Posts.


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